Open metrics

A transparent company since 2010

Since 2013, we’ve been open with Buffer’s finances and our team’s salaries, among many other metrics. We share openly because we believe in the power of transparency to build trust, hold us accountable to a high standard, and push our industry forward.

This is a dashboard for anyone to see how we’re building Buffer.

MAUMonthly Active Users
MRRMonthly Recurring Revenue
ARPUAverage Revenue Per User
ARRAnnual Recurring Revenue
CEO Salary
Average Salary

Random employee salaries

HamishSoftware Engineer
Dave CCustomer Advocate
JoeMobile Engineer
PeterPlatform Engineer
MaggieEmail Marketing Manager
KirstiContent Writer
First response within 2 hours in the last 90 days
Customer satisfaction in the last 90 days
Customer emails solved in the last quarter

35 Side Projects From the Buffer Team

We’ve always had teammates who have side projects in addition to working at Buffer. Working on new projects, building, experimenting, and self-improvement are built into our DNA as a company. So it's quite common to be speaking with someone only to find out they own a small business outside of Buffer that started as a side project. We also have several published authors and many apps built by Buffer teammates. We believe this entrepreneurial spirit and creative drive not only enhances our indiv